
ESTsoft leaked personal information

ESTsoft seem to have leaked customer data — by accident or deliberately.

It seems ESTsoft leaked personal information. How can I tell? Well, continue reading…

Yesterday I received spam on a unique e-mail address I only ever used to communicate with ESTsoft, makers of ALzip.

So they either had a security incident where customer data was stolen, or they deliberately passed (possibly “sold”) my e-mail address to a third party.

I tried to contact them, but eventually they’re no longer in business because their support e-mail address does no longer exist. See below non-delivery notice:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
The email address you entered couldn’t be found.


Is there anyone out there who have similar experience with that company? If so, I’d like to hear from you…

By Ralf Bergs

Geek, computer guy, licensed and certified electrical and computer engineer, husband, best daddy.

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