Computers Debian Linux Security

Integrate “AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition” into Exim with ExiScan patch

If you would like to integrate “AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition” into Exim, using the ExiScan patch, this is actually quite easy.

Just insert the following fragment into your Exim config:

  # Reject virus infected messages.
  # Add message to implicit X-ACL-Warn: header
  warn  message         = This message contains malware ($malware_name)
        set acl_m0      = cmdline:\
                          /usr/bin/avgscan --arc %s; echo -e \N"\navg_retval $?"\N:\
                          avg_retval 5:\
                          \NVirus identified *(.*)$\N
        malware         = *
        log_message     = This message contains malware (avg:$malware_name)

Let me know if this works for you — I hacked this up quite quickly, but it seems to do its job…

Computers Debian Linux

Courier IMAP: Could not log in after Debian 5.0 upgrade

After I had upgraded my server to Debian 5.0, I found that I could no longer log in via IMAP. I turned authentication debugging on by changing /etc/courier/authdaemonrc as follows:


This did not reveal any problems. Here’s an excerpt from

authdaemond: received auth request, service=imap, authtype=cram-md5
authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
authdaemond: cram: challenge=[...], response=[...]
authdaemond: cram: decoded challenge/response, username ''
authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT username, crypt, clear, uid, gid, pop, "",
  "", realname, "" FROM users WHERE username = ''
authdaemond: cram validation succeeded
authdaemond: Authenticated: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=1000,
  sysgroupid=1000, homedir=/home/user/var/mail/,, fullname=Joe User, maildir=<null>,
  quota=<null>, options=<null>

Even though all seemed fine, Thunderbird complained about “server doesn’t support secure authentication.”

So I telnetted into my IMAP server by issuing telnet localhost imap and manually logged in as follows:

a login thePass

Now I noticed immediately what was wrong:

* BYE [ALERT] Fatal error: Account's mailbox directory is not owned
  by the correct uid or gid:

The solution is that Courier now by default performs stricter checks on the “sanity” of your setup. I changed /etc/courier/imapd as follows, and all was fine again:

Computers Debian Linux

SVN database broken after Debian 5.0 upgrade?

After I had upgraded to Debian 5.0 SVN told me its database was broken. I googled for this problem and quickly found the solution:

svnadmin recover /var/lib/svn

This did the trick!

Linux WTF

Gallery2 not in Debian 5.0?!

When I upgraded to Debian 5.0 lately I noticed that there is no Gallery2 package anymore in Lenny. So I asked the Debian maintainer about this.

Here’s what he replied:

Gallery 2 is not available in Lenny due to large amount of differences between the previous version and 2.3-1 from unstable. The release team and I decided not to include Gallery 2 in stable due to this disruptive change late in the release process. The gallery2 package from sid can be installed via pinning.

WTF?! 🙁