
Debian 6.0 to 7.0 upgrade issues…

I upgraded from Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) to Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) today. In general the upgrade was relatively painless, but as always some things went worse than they could… 🙁

My local Subversion repository is using a Berkeley DB, and the underlying BDB version went up from 4.8 to 5.1. In consequence I got an error when I wanted to check in a changed config file:

svn: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
svn: bdb: Program version 5.1 doesn't match environment version 4.8

I remember that this has already been an issue with the last major Debian upgrade… Did I miss something in the release notes or package doc, or did the Debian folks miss this one?!

Anyway, here’s how to repair the above (based on instructions found here). Install packages db4.8-util and db5.1-util and execute the following commands:

# cd /path/to/repo
# db4.8_checkpoint -1
# db4.8_recover
# db4.8_archive
# svnlook youngest ..
# db5.1_archive -d

Afterwards you can remove the two packages again.

Next thing I noticed