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Synology refuses to admit annoying “Cloud Sync” Bug

Synology “Cloud Sync” has a nasty bug that Synology doesn’t want to fix.

Since about half a year I’m struggling with a very annoying bug in Synology’s “Cloud Sync” package I’m running on my expensive Synology DiskStation DS415+ NAS. It is still present as of today’s DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 2.

I would like to backup my photos to my Amazon Drive/CloudDrive. As an Amazon Prime customer I can store an unlimited number of images, and only images — other files, like *.xmp sidecar files, will count against my general 5 GB limit.

The problem is that Synology’s Cloud Sync will upload the sidecar files, even though I explicitly only select “Images” to be backed up (and *.xmp is not part of Images, as I will show you!).

Here’s what I do:

I launch the Cloud Sync applet:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-08-56As soon as it opens up, the “Task Creation” wizard will start. I then select “Amazon Drive”:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-10-47I click continue to sign in:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-11-34I then confirm that I want to authorize my NAS:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-11-59I then set the Task Settings as follows:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-15-56In the “Advanced Settings” on the “File Filter” tab I make sure that I only select “*.cr2” from the “Image” class of files, and nothing else:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-18-35screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-18-48I confirm the “Advanced Settings” with “Ok”, and back in “Confirm Settings” I click “Apply”.

I’m done setting up the sync task:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-20-35Syncing starts immediately.

Ok, let’s go into my Amazon Drive as see what get’s uploaded:

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-20-21-34WTF is this?! Why are the sidecar files uploaded, even though I only checked *.cr2?

Synology refuse to admit that the above described behavior is a bug. They say:

Currently the issue you describe is part of our design, we intend you to create rules under others for items other than those included under the other categories. You’ll note there is not a default rule for *.xmp and so it will sync until one is made.

I cannot really accept this. Everybody with some experience in IT will regard this behavior as a bug. Nobody would design it as is, so also the manufacturer must admit it’s a bug.

What’s your view? Please leave a comment whether you agree with my view or Synology’s view.

By Ralf Bergs

Geek, computer guy, licensed and certified electrical and computer engineer, husband, best daddy.

3 replies on “Synology refuses to admit annoying “Cloud Sync” Bug”

Update 2016-12-01: Even with the latest CloudSync 2.2.1-0858 this bug is still present.

Very sad, and the message seems very clear: Synology obviously prefers offering a multitude of features over quality of their products.

Those looking into buying a NAS might want to consider this…

July 2019, bug still present. I had to walk through trials and testing to find out, I (would) have to create a *.xmp file type and then uncheck the checkbox, so it will not sync this types.
But that’s really stupid, beacuse this way, I must think of all the file types I do NOT want to be synched instead of defining a list of files to be synched.

Arno, I would like to ask you to raise a ticket with Synology. Unless there is substantial pushback from the customer base, they will never switch on their brains and think about this stupid design… 🙁

Many thanks for your support.

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